Monday, December 13, 2010

Update- Lead Project #2

For my lunchtime spirit competitions, I would like to buy a megaphone/microphone before I host another one.  The only way I could get everyones attention was by standing on the table and yelling.  Not suprisingly, this didn't work too well.  I am looking into megaphone prices and they range from about $15 to $50.  I am hoping to bring this up to an ASB meeting in the near future.  Then, I would like to host another lunchtime spirit competition (with the new megaphone) when we return from break. 

The other projects I have helped with such as the Candyland Tolo and Operation: Surprise have been going well.  Although not a lot of people showed up to tolo, it was still fun and the decorations were fantastic.  As for Operation: Surprise, I am writing my own letter and planning on visiting classes tomorrow to collect letters.