Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Campus Clean-Up (Lead Project) Update (Includes MILESTONES)

What's Going On With The Campus Clean Up!?

Milestone Dates:
October 21- Talk to Ecology Club / Other interested Clubs (i.e. Interact)
October 25- Figure out tasks & jobs
October 28 – Email Teachers to see who wants room cleaned
October 29- Send out Informational Emails
November 1- Send out Reminder Emails
November 2 – Hold event


By today, I should’ve accomplished 2 of my milestones.  I have been successful with this so far.  I talked to Tessa Tweet, the president of Ecology Club, and have also talked with students in leadership class to get a general idea of how many people will be helping.  I’ve also gotten a better idea of what other leadership students are doing with their “clean-ups.”  For instance, I know Arun had an outdoor parking lot clean up and I know that Margo & Corrigan are leading a project to help teachers with their various errands.  I have been able to figure out the tasks and jobs specific to this campus clean up so that there won’t be any overlap.

By tomorrow, I would like to send out an email to all of the staff so that I can figure out how many rooms need to be cleaned.  Afterwards, I will be able to better divide up classrooms and know a better number of how many people I’ll need that day. 

Tasks & Jobs for the Campus Clean-Up:
-Straighten up/alphabetize book shelves
-Clean Tables & Desks
-Clean Computer Areas
-Clean Whiteboards
-Organize desks
-Get rid of unneeded items
-Take out recycling/garbage   


Music Podcasts (Drew H)

Food Drive
(Sarah C)
 School Game Night (Siva H)
 Wright High School Visit Get Together (Miranda S)


Both Drew and Siva’s projects are still in the planning process, so I have not been able to help out too much with their projects.  For Sarah’s food drive, I plan on working at the hot chocolate and tea stand some of the days as well as help with anything else she needs.  For the Wright High School Visit Get Together, I helped check to see if the karaoke machine was working!  I also plan on being there for the actual event, helping set up, and helping clean up. 

I decided to help with the music podcasts because it is something unique that our school hasn’t had before.  As for the game night, it seemed like a fun idea and I think it will go over really well with the rest of our school.  As part of ASB, I am naturally helping out with Sarah and Miranda’s projects. 

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