Thursday, October 21, 2010

Leadership Force Analysis!

Driving Forces
-classrooms will be cleaner

-students involved in cleaning will hopefully respect the classroom more

-better learning environment

-students will be giving back and not just benefiting for themselves

-teachers will be happier

-students will learn a variety of housework skills

-students will feel the responsibility of caring for their learning environment

-teachers will be able to focus on teaching and not about the conditions of their classrooms

-general tidier atmosphere = more conducive learning

-this clean up should be better than the previous two clean ups

-Quality of cleaning will not be up to par

-Helpers will want to socialize instead of clean

-Teachers won’t want our help

-Lack of cleaning supplies (i.e. whiteboard wash-spray)

-Lack of time

-Lack of students wanting to help

-Teachers expecting too much/more help than we can provide

-Lack of organization/Helpers not knowing what to do

-Teachers not wanting students in their room after school when no one is there

-Students will flake and bail out at the last minute (has happened before)

Barrier: The quality of cleaning will not be up to par.
One thing that is important to the success of this project is how well the campus is actually cleaned.  If there isn't that much of a difference with the before and after classrooms, then the project wasn't exactly successful.  One thing that I will work on combating is the quality of the cleaning by the helpers.  Although I cannot directly change how well each person can clean, I would like to influence how hard they try and make sure everyone is on the same page.
One way that I am going to do this is by giving them guidelines in the reminder emails and giving a quick talk to the helpers before I send them off to their rooms.  I would remind them about the importance to actually try hard to clean the rooms.  Another thing I will be doing is going around to each of the rooms during the clean up to help out and also check in with each team/pair.  This has seemed to be helpful in the past because if a pair had any questions or needed extra supplies, I was able to help. 

Barrier:  Lack of Organization/ Helpers not knowing what to do
One thing that is critical to having a smooth clean up is organization.  I would like everyone to know exactly where they are going and what they are going to do beforehand.  If there is a breakdown in communication, then a teacher’s room might not be attended to or teams end up cleaning the wrong rooms.
In order to overcome this barrier, I will distribute check sheets at the beginning of the clean up so teams can fill in what they did and possibly get the teacher to check off the sheet (if the teacher is still there).  I hope this will add some organization so that when I look back on the clean up, I’ll be able to know who did what and for which teachers.  I hope this will also help the cleaners have a better knowledge of what they are doing.

Barrier: Students will flake and bail out at the last minute (has happened before)
            Because cleaners often have other after school activities, they have had to bail out at the last minute.  The biggest thing I can do to help control these possible issues is to send out reminders and keep them constantly in the loop about what is going on.  I plan on sending out reminder emails a week and a day beforehand.
            I will also try to talk to them in person and personally remind them.  This way, if they still can’t make it, I will know as soon as possible and make adjustments.  However, if students bail out at the last minute, then I think the check sheets and organization will help combat this problem as well.  I will be able to redistribute rooms and change up the teams and still be able to have them fill out the check sheets to have documentation.

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